Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Filling in the Gaps

Last weekend I took advantage of the good weather and did the first of a number of re-visits. I decided not to tell anyone I was going in case the weather changed! I can now safely say it wasn't me that caused the bad summer. The re-visits are either for days missed due to bad weather or places where I felt I needed a second visit.

Bossington (Re-visit of Day 1)
On the pebbly beach known as Porlock Ridge, looking towards Hurlstone Point with its lookout (probably victorian). With blue skies and the Welsh coast in the background, it could hardly be further removed from the cold, wet, miserable day when we first arrived here in late April. It seems a lot more than four months ago!
I always knew that day one would be difficult and it seems a bit strange to be back here trying to find a suitable image - this one is important because it is the first image that most people will look at in the exhibition. 

Culbone Woods (Re-visit of Day 2)
I did some great sketches on day 2 but I found when I tried to make a print back in the studio that the sketches were not what I wanted. I didn't capture the atmosphere of the place.

Baggy Point (Re-visit of Day 5)
It was so windy when we approached Baggy Point in April that we were in danger of being blown off the path. It couldn't have been more different this time, warm and sunny  with some truly amazing cloudscapes.

Back in the Studio
Progress is slow on the production of the daily drypoints. I am finding that because I sketched the places, re-worked the sketches, and thought about them (probably too much) that when it came to actually printing the plate I felt that I had left myself nothing new to do.  In some cases I am abandoning the original idea and doing something completely different so that it feels new, and therefore exciting.

Devon Open Studios (Venue 136)
Just a reminder that I am opening my studio on the following days:
Thursday 13th - Preview 6-8pm - with drinks and nibbles
Fri 14th, Sat 15th, Sun 16th - 11-6pm
Fri 21st, Sat 22nd, Sun 23rd - 11-6pm

Directions: From Dartington Cider Press roundabout (Shinners Bridge), take A385 towards Plymouth. After 500m turn left into Droridge Lane, after 200m turn left into Droridge. Number 4 is on the right just around the corner, on-street parking is available. (Postcode: TQ9 6JQ)
You can download the full Devon Open Studios brochure here

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