Noss Mayo to Wonwell Beach
10 miles
Word of the day: Foxgloves
Blustery walk from Cellars out to the Warren where I tried to sketch the foxgloves and burnt gorse but the wind and rain conspired against me, even using the camera was difficult.
On to Stoke Point where we went down to sea level for some energetic sketching and photos. Then into Revelstoke and a quick visit to the atmospheric church of St Peter the Poor Fisherman - half the roof missing but retaining a great acoustic.
After Lunch in a ruined tea room on Beacon Hill we covered some rougher ground and had to air our feet at Butchers Cove. Eventually arrived at the river Erme and waded across to Wonwell Beach for a well-earned hot chocolate.
I was worried that walking the home stretch would feel odd and that I would not be able to concentrate. In reality it has felt just like the rest of the path - in fact walking to places that we normally drive to has made me look at them in a new light and allowed me to relate them to other sections of the path.
Spent the night in Kingston with artist Anne Scarratt and her husband Bill - another lovely meal and relaxing bath!
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